Invisalign® for Adults at Scantlebury Orthodontics

Transform Your Smile with Dr. Sophia Scantlebury, DDS

At Scantlebury Orthodontics, we understand that a confident smile can change everything. That’s why we offer Invisalign® for adults, the clear alternative to metal braces. Dr. Sophia Scantlebury, a Columbia University alumnus and a respected member of the American Association of Orthodontics, leads our Brooklyn-based practice with a commitment to excellence and a gentle, caring approach that our adult patients appreciate.

Why Choose Invisalign® for Your Smile Transformation?

Smile TransformationInvisalign® isn’t just an orthodontic treatment; it’s a pathway to newfound confidence and freedom. At Scantlebury Orthodontics, we believe in providing solutions that cater not only to your dental needs but also to your lifestyle preferences. Here’s why Invisalign® stands out as the premier choice for adults seeking a discreet, effective way to straighten their teeth:

Virtually Invisible

Crafted from clear, BPA-free plastic, Invisalign® aligners are almost invisible, making them a subtle choice for professionals, parents, and individuals who prefer to keep their orthodontic treatment private.

Customized Comfort

Each aligner is custom-made using 3D imaging technology to fit snugly over your teeth, ensuring comfort and precision. Unlike traditional braces, there are no brackets or wires to cause irritation.

Removable Convenience

Life doesn’t pause for orthodontic treatment. With Invisalign®, you can easily remove your aligners to eat, brush, and floss, allowing for better oral hygiene and the freedom to enjoy all your favorite foods without restriction.

Proven Effectiveness

Suitable for a wide range of teeth-straightening cases, from mild misalignments to more complex bite issues, Invisalign®’s technology has been refined over decades. This system has successfully transformed millions of smiles worldwide.

Meet Your Expert Brooklyn Orthodontist: Dr. Sophia Scantlebury, DDS

Dr. Sophia Scantlebury, a proud member of the American Association of Orthodontics, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Park Slope orthodontics. With her advanced training from Columbia University and the University of Florida Orthodontic Program, Dr. Scantlebury specializes in creating tailored treatment plans that meet the unique needs of adult patients. Her gentle approach and dedication to personal care make her a favorite among adults seeking orthodontic treatment in Brooklyn.

Request An Appointment

Your Journey to a Radiant Smile Begins Here

Radiant-SmileInitial Consultation:
Your path to a straighter smile starts with a comprehensive evaluation. We will conduct a detailed assessment of your teeth, jaw, and overall oral health to determine if Invisalign is right for you.

Customized Treatment Plan:
Experience a treatment plan designed just for you. Utilizing advanced 3D imaging technology, we’ll craft a series of aligners that gradually shift your teeth into their perfect positions.

Enjoy the Results:
Achieve your dream smile with minimal disruption to your daily life. With Invisalign’s discreet design, you can confidently transform your smile without putting your life on hold.

Book a Complimentary Appointment With Us Today!

Ready to take the next step towards achieving the smile of your dreams with Invisalign? If you’re an adult seeking a discreet, effective orthodontic solution, Invisalign might be the perfect fit for you.

We invite you to schedule a consultation today to learn more about how Invisalign can transform your smile and boost your confidence. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing personalized care tailored to your unique needs and lifestyle. Take advantage of this opportunity to get all your questions answered and discover if Invisalign is right for you.

Visit our website to learn more or contact us at (718) 230-5046.

FAQs on Invisalign for Adults

How does Invisalign work for adults?

Invisalign uses a series of clear, custom-made aligners designed to gradually shift your teeth into their desired position. Each set of aligners is worn for about two weeks before moving on to the next set in the series. This process continues until your teeth have aligned to their final positions. Unlike traditional braces, these aligners are virtually invisible and can be removed, making it easier to eat, brush, and floss.

Is Invisalign as effective as traditional braces for adults?

Yes, for many adults, Invisalign can be just as effective as traditional braces for correcting a wide range of orthodontic issues, including overcrowding, gaps, and certain bite issues. Invisalign’s technology allows for detailed planning and customization, which means your treatment is precisely tailored to your individual needs. However, the effectiveness of Invisalign can depend on the complexity of your case and how well you adhere to the treatment plan.

How long does Invisalign treatment typically last for adults?

The duration of Invisalign treatment varies depending on the individual’s orthodontic needs. On average, adult treatment can last anywhere from 12 to 18 months, though some cases may be shorter or longer. The treatment time can also be influenced by how consistently the aligners are worn—ideally, they should be in place 20 to 22 hours per day.

Can I see an orthodontist in Park Slope for Invisalign treatment?

Absolutely! Park Slope boasts several qualified orthodontists who specialize in Invisalign treatment for adults. It’s important to choose an orthodontist who has experience with Invisalign and understands the unique needs of adult patients. A thorough consultation can help determine if Invisalign is the right option for you.

What are the primary benefits of choosing Invisalign over traditional braces for adults?

Invisalign offers several advantages, especially for adults who might be self-conscious about the appearance of traditional braces. The aligners are nearly invisible, allowing for a more discreet treatment process. They’re also removable, so there are no dietary restrictions, and maintaining oral hygiene is simpler. Plus, Invisalign treatment often requires fewer visits to the orthodontist than traditional braces, which is ideal for busy adults.

How do I care for my Invisalign aligners?

Caring for your Invisalign aligners is straightforward. Rinse them every night and brush them gently with a toothbrush to keep them clean and clear. Avoid using hot water, as it can warp the plastic. It’s also important to maintain excellent oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly to ensure your teeth stay healthy throughout treatment.

Will wearing Invisalign aligners affect my speech?

Some people may notice a slight adjustment period when they first start wearing their Invisalign aligners, potentially experiencing a minor lisp. However, this is typically temporary, and most patients adjust quickly to the aligners, with any speech impediment disappearing within a few days to a week.

Are there any restrictions on what I can eat or drink with Invisalign?

One of the great benefits of Invisalign is that there are no dietary restrictions, as the aligners are removed when eating or drinking anything other than water. This allows you to continue enjoying your favorite foods and beverages without worry. However, it’s crucial to brush your teeth before reinserting the aligners to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent staining.

How often will I need to visit the orthodontist during my Invisalign treatment?

While Invisalign requires fewer in-office visits than traditional braces, regular check-ups every 4 to 6 weeks are typically recommended. These visits allow your orthodontist to monitor your progress and ensure that your treatment is advancing as planned.