Braces by Design, Smiles by Scantlebury

Scantlebury Orthodontics, located in Brooklyn, has been at the forefront of transforming smiles for people of all ages. Our dedication to orthodontic excellence includes offering a range of modern braces that have continuously improved since the ‘70s. Today, there are numerous types of braces Park Slope NY available, making them a viable option for both kids and adults. With our promise to make treatment faster, more comfortable, and less obvious than ever, more adults are starting to take steps toward their lifelong goal of having a beautiful smile.



Traditional metal braces have come a long way since their inception and continue to be a reliable choice for orthodontic treatment. At Scantlebury Orthodontics, we’re proud to offer this time-tested method, enhanced with modern features for optimal comfort and effectiveness.

Streamlined Appearance

Today’s metal braces have a streamlined, sleek look that eliminates the “metal mouth” appearance of the past. Our brackets are smaller and more discreet, allowing you to feel confident throughout your treatment.

Secure and Non-Toxic Adhesive

We use a special, non-toxic adhesive to bond a single bracket to the front of each tooth. This adhesive ensures a secure attachment throughout your treatment and is carefully removed once your orthodontic journey is complete.

Heat-Activated Archwire

The archwire in modern metal braces can be heat-activated, responding to your body temperature to make the treatment more efficient and comfortable. This innovation minimizes discomfort and helps achieve quicker results.

Elastic Ligatures

Traditional metal braces use elastic ligatures, commonly known as rubber bands, to secure the archwire to the brackets. You have the option to choose elastics that blend in discreetly with your braces or express your personality with a rainbow of colors.

Customized Treatment Plan

Before beginning treatment with traditional metal braces, our team will discuss your goals and design a personalized plan to address your specific orthodontic needs. We’ll ensure that your treatment aligns with your unique smile aspirations.

Adjustment and Care

Throughout your journey with traditional metal braces, you’ll visit our office for regular adjustments. These appointments allow us to fine-tune your treatment and monitor your progress, ensuring that you’re on track to achieving your beautiful smile.

With the advancements in modern orthodontics, traditional metal braces offer a reliable and effective solution for individuals of all ages. 


Expressing your personal style has never been more enjoyable than with colorful braces at Scantlebury Orthodontics. Our wide range of vibrant elastic options allows you to make a statement with your smile. Whether you’re a child, teen, or adult, adding a touch of color to your braces can make the orthodontic experience uniquely yours.

Customizable Elegance

When you visit us for an adjustment, you have the exciting opportunity to change the color of your elastics. From holiday-themed combinations to your favorite sports team colors, the choices are limitless.

Personalized Orthodontic Journey

Your orthodontic journey becomes a canvas for your creativity. The ability to select elastics that reflect your personality allows you to make the most of your braces experience.


For those seeking discretion in their orthodontic treatment, Scantlebury Orthodontics offers clear ceramic braces. These innovative braces provide an almost invisible alternative while still delivering effective results.

Subtle Appearance

Clear ceramic braces utilize brackets that are either clear or tooth-colored, blending seamlessly with your natural tooth color. This discrete approach allows you to undergo orthodontic treatment with confidence.

Stain Resistance

Our clear ceramic braces are resistant to staining, maintaining their transparency throughout your treatment. Although they require a bit more care when cleaning around larger brackets, avoiding foods and drinks that can stain elastics will help preserve their pristine appearance.


Discover the freedom of orthodontic treatment with Invisalign and Invisalign Teen at Scantlebury Orthodontics. These clear aligners offer unparalleled convenience, comfort, and discretion for both teenagers and adults seeking a straighter smile.

Removable Convenience

Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing you to eat, drink, brush your teeth, and clean the aligners with ease. The absence of wires and brackets simplifies your daily routine.

Visualize Your Progress

With the Invisalign SmileView app, you can visualize your future smile right from the start of your treatment. Invisalign has transformed over ten million smiles worldwide, offering a proven path to your dream smile.

Comfort and Fewer Appointments

Invisalign’s thin SmartTrack material ensures comfort without wires or brackets that could irritate your mouth. Fewer adjustments and emergencies mean less time in the orthodontic chair.

While Invisalign provides numerous advantages, it’s essential to note that wearing aligners for 22 hours daily and responsible aligner tracking are crucial for optimal results. In some cases requiring advanced correction, traditional braces may be recommended.

Introducing Accelerated Braces

At Scantlebury Orthodontics, we understand that time is of the essence for many patients seeking orthodontic treatment. That’s why we’re pleased to introduce Accelerated Braces, a revolutionary approach designed to significantly reduce treatment times while delivering exceptional results. This innovative technique combines different types of braces with minor oral surgery, allowing you to achieve your dream smile in a fraction of the usual time.

Shortened Treatment Duration

With accelerated braces, the amount of time spent wearing braces can be dramatically reduced, often ranging from just 3 to 8 months. This accelerated approach is especially appealing to adults with busy professional careers who want to achieve their smile goals swiftly.

Personalized Braces Selection

One of the key benefits of accelerated orthodontics is its versatility. You can choose from various types of braces, including traditional metal braces, clear ceramic braces, or Invisalign aligners, to suit your preferences and needs while still benefiting from expedited treatment.

Micro-Invasive Technique

Accelerated braces involve a minor oral surgery performed by an oral surgeon. This procedure reshapes the gums and bones, allowing your teeth to shift into their desired positions more rapidly. This minimally invasive approach reduces discomfort and speeds up the overall orthodontic process.

If you’re eager to achieve a beautiful smile in a shorter time frame, consider scheduling an appointment with our experienced team to explore whether accelerated braces are the right choice for you.

PROPEL Orthodontics

At Scantlebury Orthodontics, we’re proud to offer the PROPEL VPro5 device as a game-changing advancement in orthodontic treatment. This cutting-edge accessory is designed to work in conjunction with various orthodontic appliances, including braces and clear aligner therapies, to expedite tooth movement and reduce treatment time.

Revolutionary Device

The PROPEL VPro5 is a C-shaped vibration device specifically intended for use during orthodontic treatment. It requires just five minutes per day of wear in a single session, making it an easy and efficient addition to your orthodontic routine.

Clinical Benefits

PROPEL VPro5 delivers five major clinical benefits that help you achieve your dream smile more quickly. These benefits include optimized frequency, status lights for easy use, a pause function, utilization monitoring software, and resistance to water, all contributing to a more streamlined orthodontic experience.

Accelerated Tooth Movement

PROPEL works by creating micro-osteoperforations, which stimulate bone production around the teeth. This approach accelerates tooth movement and aids in the healing process, allowing you to complete your treatment with exceptional results in less time and with fewer visits.

If you’re interested in accelerating your orthodontic journey and reducing treatment time, we invite you to schedule an appointment with us to determine if PROPEL Orthodontics is the right solution for you. Your dream smile is closer than you think!


At Scantlebury Orthodontics, we understand that choosing the right braces option is a significant decision on your path to a beautiful smile. That’s why we highly emphasize the importance of scheduling a complimentary consultation with our experienced team.

During this consultation, we’ll carefully evaluate your unique orthodontic needs and discuss the braces options that best align with your goals. We believe in personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient.

For your convenience, we also offer FREE VIRTUAL CONSULTATIONS, allowing you to begin your orthodontic journey from the comfort of your own home. We’re committed to making the process as accessible and straightforward as possible, ensuring that you’re well-informed and confident in your choice of braces.

Oral Hygiene with Braces

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment is paramount to the success of your journey. Braces, wires, bands, and retainers can trap food particles and make it challenging to brush or floss effectively. To prevent plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease, we provide you with a step-by-step guide to oral care:

  • Brushing: Start by brushing the outside of your teeth with the brush at a straight angle, using circular, vibrating motions.
  • Flossing: Floss daily, ensuring that the floss passes under the archwire. A floss threader facilitates this process.
  • Rinsing: After brushing and flossing, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water or an antiseptic dental rinse. This rinse can help with gum inflammations and irritations related to orthodontic appliances.

Additionally, we recommend the use of an interdental toothbrush, such as a proxabrush, to gently clean under orthodontic wires and around braces. Remember that during the retention phase, it’s essential to brush your retainer every time you brush your teeth. Soak it once a day in room-temperature tap water with a denture-cleaning tablet to prevent plaque buildup and maintain a fresh taste.

Dietary Guidelines

Maintaining a balanced diet during your orthodontic journey is crucial for your oral health. To help you make informed dietary choices, we offer the following guidelines:

Foods to Avoid

While wearing braces, it’s best to avoid hard foods like ice and pizza crust, as well as sticky foods like licorice and caramels. These can damage wires and brackets. Minimizing sugary foods and drinks, such as ice cream and cookies, and reducing sugary drinks to once a day can help protect your teeth and prevent decay.

Soft Food Recommendations

Initially, your teeth may be slightly sore after getting braces. We recommend a soft food diet until any discomfort subsides. Soft foods are gentle on your braces and ensure a smoother transition to your orthodontic treatment.

Choose Scantlebury Orthodontics for Your Braces Journey

Your path to a stunning smile begins with us at Scantlebury Orthodontics. With our commitment to excellence, modern treatment options, and personalized care, we’re your trusted partner in achieving the smile of your dreams with braces Park Slope NY.

Discover the difference at Scantlebury Orthodontics and book your free consultation today. Whether you’re in Brooklyn, New York, Grand Army Plaza, Park Slope, Prospect Heights, or the surrounding areas, our conveniently located offices are ready to serve you.